Athletics » Elgibility



  • In order to participate in interscholastic athletics at Memorial School, students must meet the following academic, attendance, and behavior expectations:

    1.  Academic
    - All sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade students will be considered academically eligible for the first marking period.
    - During the second, third, and fourth marking periods, sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade students will be considered eligible if they have not failed more than one subject from the preceding marking period as evidenced by that appropriate report card.

    2.  Attendance
    - Students must be in attendance for a minimum of four hours of instruction in order to participate in athletic programming for that day.  If a student has not signed in before 9:46 a.m., he/she is considered “absent” and therefore is not eligible to participate or practice.  In cases where an event is scheduled on a weekend, school attendance on the preceding school day is mandatory in order for the pupil to participate in that event.

    3.  Behavior
    - A student who receives a first suspension shall be removed from the athletic activity for 10 school days.
    - A student who receives a second suspension will lose athletic eligibility for the remainder of the school year from the date of the second suspension.
    - A student found to be in possession of, in control of, or under the influence of any controlled/dangerous substance (i.e., drugs, alcohol) will lose athletic eligibility for the remainder of the school year from the date of the incident.

