Social Studies » Social Studies

Social Studies

Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Spotswood Public Schools Social Studies Department to investigate active citizenship in the 21st Century, World History/Global Studies as well as United States History with a concentration on civics, government, human rights, geography, the environment, economics, innovation, technology, history and culture from a variety of perspectives through the lens of document analysis skills and validating and documenting research. These skills are vertically aligned throughout the district courses to engage students in analytical thinking, critical analysis, adept decision making and effective communication.

The middle grades are intended to connect the fundamentals of citizenship within the schools and local community to the nation and the world. The Social Studies Department offers courses that are aligned with the New Jersey Core Curricular Standards as well as incorporating the essential elements of the Common Core Standards.

Best Practices
Social Studies teachers at Memorial Middle School consistently applies document-based and research-based best practices for effective instruction including, but not limited to, modeling, guided practice, independent practice, discovery learning, cooperative learning, use of manipulatives, scaffolding, differentiated instruction, real-world applications, and technology.


Grade 6



Grade 7



Grade 8



American History



World Geography



Ancient World History